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Friday 8 November 2013

Lady bug nail art

Did you ever see an adorable little beetle with perfect black spots on its bright red body? If not, you have probably missed a little wonder of God's creation, a Lady bug!
It is truly a lovely colorful creature, and here is how to get these cutesy beings on your nails.

You will need:

  • Bright Red nail polish ( I used NYC 226B Madison Avenue) 
  • Black Nail polish (I used MUA)
  • Transparent nail polish
  • White nail pen
  • An old nail polish brush
How to do:

  1. First paint the nails with the base coat of red color. Let it dry for a few minutes. Apply two coats of transparent nail polish. Let it dry.
  2. Take black color and paint the nails at the tips as half moons as shown above.Let them dry.
  3. Take a nail art striper, if you have, or I have used an old nail polish brush and cut its tip narrower, so that I get thin lines when I paint with it. Now draw thin lines through the middle of the nail with black nail color as shown.
  4. Now put a dot with black nail color just above the half moon on the line.
  5. Put black dots on either side of the black line, I have put just three dots on each side.
  6. Make sure the black half moons dry and put two white dots on the half moons, (that should be the Lady bug's eyes) to complete the look and ta-da! lovely lady bugs crawling right on your nails!
  7. Don't forget to finish the nail art with the transparent nail color coat. 

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